- 1 taza de leche entera
- 2 tazas de harina
-1 taza de azúcar
- 4 huevos grandes
- 3 manzanas
-1 sobre de levadura
- compota de melocotón
En primer lugar separamos las claras de las yemas. Batimos las claras a punto de nieve. En un recipiente separado batimos las yemas y les añadimos la taza de azúcar y el vaso de leche y la harina junto con la levadura pasadas por un tamiz. A continuación añadimos las claras montadas y continuamos batiendo.
Por otro lado, vamos a pelar y descorazonar una manzana y la vamos a picar en trozos muy pequeños con la ayuda de una picadora. Posteriormente añadimos la manzana picada a la masa y continuamos batiendo.
Cuando obtengamos una masa homogénea procederemos a colocar la masa en el molde. Para ello debemos untar el molde con mantequilla y espolvorear harina por encima.
Por último debemos colocar sobre la masa una capa de manzanas cortadas en rodajas. Sobre las manzanas vamos a colocar la compota de melocotón con la ayuda de una brocha de cocina.
Horneamos la tarta durante unos 30 minutos aproximadamente y ya tendremos nuestra tarta de manzana lista.
- 1 cup whole milk
- 2 cups of flour
-1 Cup of sugar
- 4 large eggs
- 3 blocks
-1 package of backing powder
- Peach jam
First we have to separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the egg whites until stiff. In a separate bowl beat the yolks with the sugar and add a cup of milk and also flour with the backing powder passed through a sieve. Next add the egg whites and continue beating.
Furthermore, we have to peel an apple and we need to chop it into small pieces with the help of a chopper. Then add the chopped apples to the dough and continue beating.
When we get a homogeneous mass we have to place the dough into the mold. To do this we must spread the mold with butter and sprinkle flour on top.
Finally we put on a layer of dough sliced apples. On the top we have to put the peach compote with the help of a pastry brush.
Bake the cake for about 30 minutes.
- 1 cup whole milk
- 2 cups of flour
-1 Cup of sugar
- 4 large eggs
- 3 blocks
-1 package of backing powder
- Peach jam
First we have to separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the egg whites until stiff. In a separate bowl beat the yolks with the sugar and add a cup of milk and also flour with the backing powder passed through a sieve. Next add the egg whites and continue beating.
Furthermore, we have to peel an apple and we need to chop it into small pieces with the help of a chopper. Then add the chopped apples to the dough and continue beating.
When we get a homogeneous mass we have to place the dough into the mold. To do this we must spread the mold with butter and sprinkle flour on top.
Finally we put on a layer of dough sliced apples. On the top we have to put the peach compote with the help of a pastry brush.
Bake the cake for about 30 minutes.
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