- 1 kilo de pechuga cortada en filetes
- 1 lata de champiñones (355 gramos - peso neto)
- 1 botella pequeña de appletiser ( 275 ml )
- 1 paquete de salsa de champiñones de Gallina Blanca (24 gramos)
- Aceite
- Sal fina
Ponemos en un plato hondo la mitad del sobre de salsa de champiñones y untamos a ambos lados cada filete con los polvos de la salsa, también le añadimos un poco de sal. Una vez hemos pasado los filetes por los polvos de la salsa, los sofreimos en un sartén. Y una vez sofritos los vamos colocando en un caldero.
En el caldero en el que hemos colocado los filetes añadimos la lata de champiñones, la mitad del paquete de salsa que habíamos apartado y el contenido de la botella de appeltiser, removemos todo y dejamos cocinar a fuego lento.
- 1 k of chicken cut into steaks
- 1 can mushrooms (355 gr.)
- 1 small bottle of Appletiser (275ml.)
- 1 package mushroom sauce "Gallina Blanca" ( 24 gr.)
- Olive oil
- Salt
We have to put in a bowl over half of the mushrooms sauce and smeared on both sides of each steak with the sauce powders, also add a little of salt. And then, fry in a pan. Once we fried put it in a pot.
In the pot in which we placed the fillets add the can of mushrooms, half a packet of sauce and the bottle of appeltiser , stir and let everything simmer.
- 1 k of chicken cut into steaks
- 1 can mushrooms (355 gr.)
- 1 small bottle of Appletiser (275ml.)
- 1 package mushroom sauce "Gallina Blanca" ( 24 gr.)
- Olive oil
- Salt
We have to put in a bowl over half of the mushrooms sauce and smeared on both sides of each steak with the sauce powders, also add a little of salt. And then, fry in a pan. Once we fried put it in a pot.
In the pot in which we placed the fillets add the can of mushrooms, half a packet of sauce and the bottle of appeltiser , stir and let everything simmer.
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